This complaint management system software is for SME’s dealing in sale & service of products such as Home Appliances, R.O. machines, and any other ACs, Elevators Industries and Refrigerators that require servicing at regular intervals. After the sale of a home appliance or any other product, the onus is on the company to provide product servicing as per schedule. To avail of such service, customers generally call the call-centre of the company and register their complaint. For treatment of such a complaint, the company requires a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system to record, follow-up and to provide service-related information to the customer as and when required.

In CRM parlance, it is said that it is more cost-effective to retain an old customer than to make a new one. Moreover, a satisfied customer will bring in more customers by word-of-mouth, while an unsatisfied one will bring the business ill-repute. Therefore, it is pertinent to maintain customer records, provide timely service and AMC as per due dates, and manage customer complaints promptly and efficiently.

While managing the aforesaid functions manually may be time-consuming, tedious, inefficient and inaccurate, Maktech complaint management software solution is the perfect solution to automated maintenance and management of post-sales customer services.

Register complaints

When a customer calls for service etc, the details such as customer name, address, nature of complaint etc are entered into the system. The system generates a unique registration number that may be given to the customer for future reference.

Allocation of complaint to service technician

After registration of the complaint, the job can be automatically or manually be allocated to the technician of that particular field.

Complaint closure

After rectification or complaint or completion of job, the technician calls the centre to get the complaint closed. He also informs the centre what spare parts have etc have been changed and what charge has been collected from the customer in that respect.

Spare parts management

A complete inventory of spare parts is managed by the software by means of an automatic double-entry system. For example, if any spare parts are billed for, they will automatically get deducted from the inventory. The inventory will then reflect the balance available in store.

Technician conveyance

The software summarizes conveyance expenditure by each technician. At the end of the month they may be matched with the productivity of each technician and thus reflect the productive efficiency of each technician.

Due service alerts

The software automatically alerts the user as and when service becomes due in order that the user may give a timely reminder to the customer to avail of the pending service.

Due AMC alerts

Same as above, the software automatically alerts the user as and when annual maintenance contract becomes due.

SMS facility

Maktech Complaint Management CRM has an in-built panel through which promotional SMSes or emails can be sent to targeted customers.

Register complaints

When a customer calls for service etc, the details such as customer name, address, nature of complaint etc are entered into the system. The system generates a unique registration number that may be given to the customer for future reference.

Maktech Complaint Management CRM Software is capable of generating the following reports

Pending complaint reports

This report shows the number of pending complaints including the reason for non-closure of the complaint. It may be segregated geographically (to reflect pending complaints in a particular area such as; a state or city) in order that the management may take a decision towards the earliest resolution of the issue accordingly.

Closed complaint reports

This summarizes the number of complaints that have been closed period-wise. It helps the management forecast the requirement of manpower and other resources in tandem with the rising demand.

Multiple complaint visits

This report summarizes the complaints in which more than one visit has been required to resolve the issue and the reason for the same. Assessment of this report provides the management with insights that helps them to remove bottlenecks, systemize, and streamline processes to achieve greater efficiency.

Collection report

This report summarizes period-wise, the collections made by various service technicians after closing complaints. It provides an assessment of the revenues generated by the business and also the individual performance of the service technicians. The collections can also be assessed geographically in terms of states and cities etc.

Collection verification report

This report reconciles the amounts deposited by the various service technicians with the accounts department and the amounts collected by them from customers.

Spare part consumption report

This report summarizes the variety and quantity of spare parts consumed period-wise.

Spare part movement report

This report analyzes the movement of spare parts whether that is from godown to store, store to customer or godown to godown etc.

Job sheet

This sheet with the customer’s and complaint details are provided to the service technician at the time of closing a complaint. The service technician then duly fills it with details of the job done, spare parts changed and amount collected from the customer. This report can be maintained in hard-copy and it's simultaneously entered into the system.

Due service and AMC reports

These are lists of customers whose service becomes due. Due services alerts through sms can also be send to customers.

Technician productivity and conveyance report

These are summaries of the revenue collected by each technician and the corresponding conveyance expenditure. It helps the management analyze the productive efficiency of each technician.

Customer lists

At any given time, lists of customers can be generated segregating them on the basis of warranty, out-of-warranty, under AMC etc. Due AMC alerts through sms can also be send to customers.

Due service and AMC reports

These are lists of customers whose service becomes due. Due services alerts through sms can also be send to customers.

USP of Maktech Complaint Management System

Maktech complaint management software is inclusive of all CRM modules, most affordable in the market, has free cloud based solution,
an enhanced and analytical reporting system.

Maktech complaint management systems is inclusive of all modules

While our competitors in the market sell each module of the CRM package separately to maximize their profit, Maktech CRM software is a complete package inclusive of all modules, such as complaint management, AMC management, service management, spare part management etc.

Lowest price

Our competitors are selling Complaint Management CRM software either taking huge amount as a one-time payment or per User/Month basis. So the cost of the crm goes high when you have lots of users in the organization. On the other hand, our CRM software will cost you less amount with no minimum user condition. So it is cost effective as well.

Free cloud based solution

This allows users to use Maktech Complaint Management CRM anywhere in the world. Our VPS hosting provides immediate response which makes the user feel he is working in the comfort of his local desktop or laptop computer.

Free 10000 SMS per year

Maktech users need not purchase SMS service packs at additional cost from SMS service providers, as 10000 SMS per year comes bundled with this software.

Analytical reporting system

Maktech complaint management software boasts of an enhanced, detailed and an analytical reporting system that assists the business in improving sales and thereby effecting a growth in revenue.

Due service and AMC reports

These are lists of customers whose service becomes due. Due services alerts through sms can also be send to customers.